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あらゆる伝説的な品種の背後には強力な歴史があります。 そして歴史に関して言えば、最高の株は最高の遺伝子系統を持っています。 何が良い株を構成するのかを知りたいときは、最初から始める必要があります。
In this study, the essentiel équitable was to decipher the genotype -phenotype relationship by identifying the existence of some differences in the behaviour of some morphometric features like height and diameter of hemp repiquage, as well the slenderness facteur, in more info different arrêt of their growth, depending nous-mêmes sexual phenotype, during three consécutive years. Generally, the differences between male, female and monoecious repiquage were absent in early ontogeny.
The changement of the courant topping method consist of performing the topping nous-mêmes mother boisement, prior to taking the cuttings for cloning, and the cuttings are taken one week after the topping is performed. The resulting plantlets develop axillary shoots much faster and the time of recette from cuttings to harvesting is decreased by 7-10 days. The method proposed herein requires minimum adjustment to the existing workflow and the plants produce as much as when conforme topping is pe...
日本では大麻は違法ですが、品種によってどのように何が違うのか、好奇心旺盛な方は学んでみてください。 ツイートする シェアする